Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My First Post Ever

Long time ago in a land far far away, I discovered the Quiltropolis Crazy Quilt List and the Eboards. After lurking for awhile, I made a project from an inspiration from one of those crafty decor shows.. I remembered! It was Lynette Jennings! (My memory is so wierd these days.) She retired from TV in 2002 but she did this frame in a frame thing with fabric and photos so I translated it to crazyquilting and posted it on my eboard. I loved it so much. I donated it to a scholarship auction, but I have the photo.. here is my blast from the past....


Thelma said...

So beautiful Willa! Love how you have the gloves hanging over the frame.

allie aller said...

What an awesome idea.
Now how did you get that one frame inside the other one I wonder....

Willa said...

It is a big secret(E6000). LOL! The piece is not finished underneath the little frame. Only enough to be under the other frame.

FredaB said...

Hi Willa

How did you ever find your first post? Had you saved it? This was very creative and you have already answered my other question in reply to Allie.



Patricia said...

That is beautiful. Love the frame in a frame. That is so great that you still have the photo. You must be so organized!
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings